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Showing posts with the label Ik osakioduwa

Eighty-six new cases of #COVID19 reportes in Nigeria

Eighty-six new cases of #COVID19 have been reported; 70 in Lagos 7 in FCT 3 in Katsina 3 in Akwa Ibom 1 in Jigawa 1 in Bauchi 1 in Borno As at 11:50 pm 19th April there are 627 confirmed cases of #COVID19 reported in Nigeria. Discharged: 170 Deaths: 21

Ik Osakioduwa Returns As BigBrother Africa Host

   Popular Tv Host Ik Osakioduwa is returning as the host of BigBrother Africa for the fourth season in a row.         Ik who has been hosting the popular TV show since 2009 expressed his excitement on this season . “Double Up” twist which forced Housemates to enter the competition in pairs. He said he was looking forward to all the dynamics of the StarGame and how love will unfold; “ People always fall in love on Big Brother so it will be nice to see how that works out.”     The celebrity contestants were earlier revealed . The Big Brother StarGame starts May 6,2012  

IK Osakioduwa hosts BigBrother Africa for the third time

M net's Bigbrother Africa is tagged Bigbrother amplified this year  and will soon kick off as earlier informed.