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Showing posts with the label Denzel

Eighty-six new cases of #COVID19 reportes in Nigeria

Eighty-six new cases of #COVID19 have been reported; 70 in Lagos 7 in FCT 3 in Katsina 3 in Akwa Ibom 1 in Jigawa 1 in Bauchi 1 in Borno As at 11:50 pm 19th April there are 627 confirmed cases of #COVID19 reported in Nigeria. Discharged: 170 Deaths: 21

Comedian Klint De drunk Welcomes BabyBoy

Klint and wife Lilien       Popular comedian Klind de drunk and his wife lilien just welcomed another bouncing babyboy . Klint announced the arrival of the baby moments ago    Praise the Lord!!! God has blessed us with yet another bouncing baby boy!!!!! I thank you Lord!! God is wonderful! Wife n baby doing fine!!      This is the couple's second child .Klint and Lilien got married few years ago and welcomed  their first son  ,denzel in february 2009.                                                             Photo of the boy