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Showing posts with the label Hollywood black film festival

Eighty-six new cases of #COVID19 reportes in Nigeria

Eighty-six new cases of #COVID19 have been reported; 70 in Lagos 7 in FCT 3 in Katsina 3 in Akwa Ibom 1 in Jigawa 1 in Bauchi 1 in Borno As at 11:50 pm 19th April there are 627 confirmed cases of #COVID19 reported in Nigeria. Discharged: 170 Deaths: 21

The Hollywood Black Film Festival comes to Nollywood!

Tanya kersey -Guest speaker    The Hol­ly­wood Black Film Fes­ti­val, dubbed the “Black Sun­dance,” takes its show on the road … to Nige­ria & Nollywood! This 3 day conference-styled event which takes place in Abuja will pre­pare pro­duc­ers, film­mak­ers, screen­writ­ers and actors for work­ing and sell­ing con­tent in the global film mar­ket­place.  Vis­it­ing film­mak­ers and indus­try guests will facil­i­tate a series of panel dis­cus­sions, work­shops and Mas­ter Classes in a wide vari­ety of sub­jects — from pro­duc­tion to dis­tri­b­u­tion and exhibition.Attendees will engage in in-depth con­ver­sa­tion, lively debate, and crit­i­cal insight into a broad range of issues; and gain tremen­dous knowl­edge, insight, access, value and a rare oppor­tu­nity to hear      Nov.30 . Day 1 - Film Video Censors Board Closed Door Sessions(  As the global econ­omy changes, tech­nol­ogy advances, and the film indus­try adjusts, experts will dis­cuss...