The Monster You must kill,before it destroys You

     Yes….a monster that’s what it is.It is only quickened and awakened when you assume someone is better than you in one area or the other.
    When a friend shares a good news about happenings in his/her life,when you see your colleague climbing fast in the ladder of success.
This monster begins to rise and rise…..and if not checked,just like every other monster,it could cause a lot of havoc.

    Jealousy….that’s the monster. What is jealousy? Jealousy is a feeling of resentment against someone's success .It also refers to a strong desire for someone else's status or possessions.
Jealousy can be sometimes difficult to recognize because our reasons for it seem to be justified…… you worked so hard on a project and a lazy newcomer is getting the praises …..
You have always been the good girl/guy,and your bad mannered friend got the scholarship…You are always the faithful partner in a relationship,and your unserious friend that stays in 5 dfferent relationships is getting married.

   I believe at one point or the other in our lives we could tend to be jealous,but its an emotion we should learn to tame or better still kill it,there are some emotions we should allow to grow in us[for example….Love},but there are also some other emotions we should never give room for its growth.

    The longer you cultivate jealous feelings,the harder it is to uproot it.Jealousy stems from , insecurity, covetousness.,fear ,real or imagined fears,fear of abandonment, fear of loss of love, unresolved issues from past relationships , poor self esteem, cover or mask for things from the past that you haven't healed yet, vindictive or a desire for revenge that is misguided or misdirected toward someone else.

    Jealousy is nothing but the outcome of comparison. Cure -- simply stop comparing, and there will be no jealousy.When I was a little girl,I cried home one day telling my mom”mummy ,my friend just got a new beautiful dress,my friend puts on beautiful gowns,caps,and shoes everyday….what about me?,I don”t have most of what she has….you don”t buy clothes for me every week like her mom does”,and my mum replied”take your eyes off her clothes ,shoe ,take your eyes off people's belongings
    I lived with this principle as I grew,and I must confess it really helped….and I am passing it to my dear readers; Take your eyes off your friend's achievements,promotion,belongings ,relationship

    Learn to love and appreciate yourself even…when you don’t have a job yet and your friend is now a bank manager,when that your neighbor that lives next door is more gorgeous than you,when all your friends that you are older than are all married.

    Love yourself and quit that act of comparison,because when you make comparison,you will always find someone that’s richer,taller ,more attractive than you.Accept yourself,and be sincerely happy for other people when they are making progress in their endeavours.God will never give you what you want,not until you start being happy for people that have it.Abi I dey lie?

    Dear readers,what do you think? Share your opinions!!!!….How do you overcome the feeling of jealousy that creeps through your mind.Let’s Discuss!!!!


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  1. i love this ,jealousy is mostly common among we ladies but one must learn self control 

  2. Nice article. One must learn to keep working hard to prevent jealousy.
