Dedicated to the waiting Sisters

        As a young girl,I had imagined a picture of a friend,lover,soulmate in my heart.A friend to share all with,never to be ashamed of anything,be it my past or mistakes.

A lover he is also going to be,a faithful one.When his friends see me,I see the extent of the love he has for me,through the way they accept me.He walks me home,he checks on me,my strength and weakness ,he knows them all.He wants me to be best in all that I do. This picture of him I had conceived in my heart as a young girl.

As days goes by ….when I was getting close to my mid twenties,I was expecting this friend to walk into my life,but far from it,its was taking too long.A whole lot of guys ,boys ,even baba alaye came,but I just never opened the door of my life to them.Most of them were NFA[no future ambition] candidates,others just wanted to have fun,some thought they could entice me with their money or gifts. I just wasn’t ready to accommodate an NFA, a manipulator…neither was I looking for a short-lived fun and excitement.

My friends ,Sisters,fixed up several match-make dates,lunch..but ,the guys were all the same old story.Most of my friends thought I wanted too much,others felt I was just being too arrogant.Several suggested I should just have fun and chop these men’s money if I was not interested in them.

   My holidays at home are always threatened with my mother and grandmother’s lecture about how a woman time is whiling away.Infact ,my grandmother reminds me of how she got married at 14,and my mother at 23.I am 27,what am I waiting for she often wonders.I must confess,there were nights I cried to sleep,why wouldn’t I?
I am attractive,hardworking,sincere ,humble... why is it taking him so long to come?I often ask myself,am I really asking for too much?….but d answer is NO. 

Most of my valentine days were spent in my room ,a lot of days I had to beg my brother or a cousin or a friend to be my date for a party or wedding,I walked most of my friends to the altar as their chief brides made,a chief bride made I was always ,but a bride NO…. I always wondered if I was ever going to be one.

Some friends would unnecessarily flaunt their affection for their partner right to my face….or their gifts….or engage witty discussions…all of these to make me jealous,and yes I was sometimes jealous….i guess that’s the human part in me.

One day ,I thought to myself...I have cried and cried,and nothing has improved.Infact the situation was looking hopeless.I made up my mind never to worry ,or shed a drop of tear over this issue I immersed myself seriously in my Office work,became more serious with GOD[I joined the workers department in my grandmother’s church,which I rarely go before except on thanksgiving Sundays,granny drags everyone along.

She loves thanksgiving Sundays].when I am on leave or weekends,I go out and have fun,to spa,birthdays..I was always happy to help friends plan their weddings,that became my hobby,I actually stopped being a chief brides maid..I was into the running and seeing if everything is okay and in place .In the evening ,when I get home,after saying a few lines of prayer I fall deeply asleep,I had completely forgot about what I cried over several months ago.
Just when I had forgotten,and now seriously busy with my office work,seeing that my friends are happy.from nowhere,just like the way a plant springs from the ground.My dream came,He was just like I had conceived in my heart,he was much more than that.

He is my friend , brother,lover.My friends and all that mocked me before,now says he’s worth the wait.One thing I have learnt ;True love comes when we don’t go looking for it,when we least expect and most importantly we are willing to wait.

Let us know what you think and also share your waiting experiences!!!!

Picture; Prince and Kate wedding

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  1. Awww ,you console me with this write up ,i am close to 30 and the pressure is too much from left and right ,but God's time is the  best jaree  , nice
