Finding Yourself

I know you are used to me writing about all the glitzy glam girlie stuff, but what you probably will never guess is that I actually love writing and inspiring people about life in general.Before I got into the beauty and fashion world I was going be a psychologist, no seriously don’t laugh, I was and I am still interested in psychology maybe one day I will go back to it.
Why am I telling you this? Well, If you are my beauty blog follower you will notice that I haven’t posted anything new for over a month now and that is because I have been on a journey of self discovery. Have you ever had that feeling of being lost and confused, a sense of self-pity, regret, unhappiness and heaviness in your heart and body. Tiredness, depression, insomnia the list goes on! And all this I had.
In the last couple of months I have felt like my life was on this roller coaster ride going up and down… my mind was spinning so fast. I made spontaneous decisions just to get out of what to me felt like madness which by the way could be the smallest thing.
One day I had to look at myself in the mirror and say to myself, enough is enough Sarah ! What’s all this weakness and emotional crap? I am not a coward, I am a strong young woman that knows what she wants in life and will not settle for less. I will not lose myself and happiness for anything or anyone! Life is too short. You can not kill yourself over anything, be it relationship, family, money, weight, work, or whatever it is that is weighing you down. There is only so much you can do, if you are a christian then you know the saying “Do your best and leave the rest to God”.

sarah ofili

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