Sunday-day of thousand laugh

two boy friends lives in a house
they have this girlfriend
that comes usually to their room.
they both nurse the intention to woo the girl
then they decided, that one of them should woo the girl.
on arrival of the lady,
the one to woo the lady went to buy Coca cola
before is arrival, the other friend had told the girl that his friend is a Tuberculosis patient.
on arrival, he started coughing to give his friend signs to excuse them, so he can have is way.
the girl believed what the other guy says and pick race, she doesn't want to be infected with Tuberculosis.

the boy went back wit his dad 2 check his result.
"what's your score?"
"78 sir!"
"now u knom u're an embarrassing son".

On their way home - it was raining heavily and a car ran past them in a hury splashin som mud on dem.

"what a very stupid man! Can't he drive gently?"

"now you know how embarrassing u are without a car

The lady teacher asks the pupils what kind of medicines they know and what they are used for.

The first pupil said: 'Tylenol.'

'Very good! And what is it used for?'

'It is used for headache.'

The second pupil said: 'Nytol'

'Excellent. And what it is used for?'

'To help you sleep.'

Now it is Johnny's turn and he said: 'Viagra'

'Johnny, what is it used for?'

'I think it can be used for diarrhea.'

'Who told you this?'

'Nobody, but every evening my mother tells my father, 'Take a Viagra, maybe that little shit will get harder

enjoy this new keri hilson video(i like)

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  1. The first joke was so hilarious...could not stop laughing...

  2. the last joke... hahahahahahahahahahhahaaaaaaaaaaaa

  3. i like the video...well...i mean the song!!

  4. The first and last joke, never heard them before and they're hilarious. LWKMD

  5. the last one got me lol, the first one made me smile and the 2nd one was boring jo (at least if the son were not such an olodo the father would have hope of a car in the distant future!)

  6. @Rita,yes oo
    @honey91,i got you
    @Myne,yes ooo
    @Neo,it goes vice versa,lol

  7. the last one ..really funny..
    so No. 3 wins -lol
